Saturday, January 10, 2015
thoughts on architecture
There are so many critical factors that go into the perceived success of a a project (commercial, residential, institutional, etc.). Building anything these days is extremely expensive and having money as we all know does not equate to having taste or restraint. I'd argue having visited many projects both residential and commercial in the NW and across the country it is difficult sometimes to determine on a project "gone wrong" whether it was driven that way by the client or the architect. Most people experience architecture at the institutional or commercial level and assess architecture based on those experiences. In Seattle we have the dynamic central library which is definitely iconic and at the same time we have the EMP which a vast majority have expressed extreme distaste. I have a much better understanding having gone on this journey as a client what an architect(s) actually do and the services they provide are much greater than just drawing plans and while they are often credited with it they are not in most cases having anything to do with the actual building of their design. The reality is it takes so many people to actually shape your experience of a built form and the architect plays an integral role in that experience but it does not stop with him or her. I'd argue having gone down this road that everyone contributes to the ultimate experience. Ultimately the experience of a space is subjective to each who visits but the universal truth of great architecture is that many people can visit and all have this great feeling or moment or realization that the collective work of all the people who came into contact with that space from architects to designers to planners to landscape architects to interior designers, contractors, subcontractors, craftspeople, metal workers, wood workers, etc. all are owed credit for working towards a collective vision to make that moment memorable. You can't rush or cheat that moment. You can do it on a budget and make it a moment and you can overspend in the right places and make that moment. Too many spaces though do not get that level of care and attention. They are not the result of a connection between all the collaborators. They may be well built spaces by amazing developers but they may lack design clarity or they may be grand in their design intent but lack detail and touch of a great builder. Few connect all the dots. When that does happen. When the dots do connect right. That is art.
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